Jane Macgregor Health and Wellness Services, Greenwell Springs Lane, Katy, TX, USA
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Real Women. Real Results.
Join a Program That Will Transform Your Life. 

Let me help you reclaim your body, confidence, and health with a proven, back-to-basics formula that delivers results.


I'll teach you the exact path you need to thrive as a woman 40+, while building sustainable habits that last.  You can achieve this without calorie counting, hunger or deprivation.  It's time to change the narrative on your relationship with food, live confidently in a body you love, navigate peri/menopause, and thrive mentally and physically as a women in midlife.  Let me show you how. 

weight loss coach, nutrition coach, lose weight, improve health

Client Testimonial Video 

"If you are thinking about it, but you're on the fence, just do it!  It works!"

Dione Connelly

At 40 and beyond, you can have the opportunity to look and feel better than ever before.

This program offers you a pathway to bid farewell to dieting and permanently free yourself from health and weight worries. 

You'll uncover strategies to shed stubborn midlife belly fat, navigate peri/menopause, boost energy levels, reduce bloating and cravings, and, most importantly, achieve optimal health and overall wellbeing.

We dive deep into the root causes of metabolic health issues, hormone imbalances, menopause, weight gain, and other health concerns.

This straightforward, back-to-basics formula unlocks the door to optimal health, freedom in your food choices, newfound confidence, and lasting results. 

Embrace a level of health and body confidence you never thought possible, as a woman in midlife.  

What You Can Expect

Health coaching, change mindset

Shed excess weight and burn belly fat

benefits of health coaching lose weight, improve mindset, reduce inflammation, improve menopause symptoms

Balance hormones

benefits of health coaching lose weight, improve mindset, reduce inflammation, improve menopause symptoms

Improve your metabolic health

benefits of health coaching lose weight, improve mindset, reduce inflammation, improve menopause symptoms

Reduce stress and sleep better

benefits of health coaching lose weight, improve mindset, reduce inflammation, improve menopause symptoms


Peri-Menopause and Menopause symptoms

benefits of health coaching lose weight, improve mindset, reduce inflammation, improve menopause symptoms

Curb cravings and feel fully nourished and healthy from the inside out

benefits of health coaching lose weight, improve mindset, reduce inflammation, improve menopause symptoms

Transform your mindset and prioritize yourself

benefits of health coaching lose weight, improve mindset, reduce inflammation, improve menopause symptoms

Improve digestion, reverse bloating, and support gut health

benefits of health coaching lose weight, improve mindset, reduce inflammation, improve menopause symptoms

Live in a body you are confident in

benefits of health coaching lose weight, improve mindset, reduce inflammation, improve menopause symptoms

Boost energy levels and mood

benefits of health coaching lose weight, improve mindset, reduce inflammation, improve menopause symptoms

Achieve food and diet freedom 

benefits of health coaching lose weight, improve mindset, reduce inflammation, improve menopause symptoms

Overcome limiting beliefs 


"The first picture is tough to stomach. Despite my daily exercise routine—long walks and what I believed to be a healthy diet—I found out I had high cholesterol, insulin resistance, and a troublesome case of IBS. Then, I discovered this nutrition and wellness program.  In just six weeks, I managed to shed 15 pounds and felt like I was on top of the world. Now, I'm strong, lean, and brimming with body confidence.  What's more, my recent blood work labs are all within normal range, a far cry from the state captured in picture A."

Weight Loss Transformation, nutrition coaching

Client Success Stories

When I first started Jane's 12-week program, I couldn't fit into my clothes, I had low energy, and my mood was at an all-time low. I was at a crossroads - either invest in a new wardrobe or invest in Jane. Thank goodness I chose the latter! From day 1, Jane understood, supported, guided, and provided THE most simplistic plan that made complete sense, was easy to implement and was approved by my whole family!

Fast forward 12 weeks, and the transformation has been nothing short of incredible. Yes, I lost the extra pounds, but it's about so much more than that. I am full of energy, sleeping well, and my mood has done a complete 180. I can now confidently say that I'm the same weight I was at 18, but as Jane always says, we are not a slave to the scale! Implementing short bursts of strength training, and building muscle while fueling my body with the most nourishing foods has given me confidence, I didn’t know I could have.

You've not only transformed my body but my entire outlook on life. Thank you!

- Rachel, Katy, TX

After receiving some less than ideal blood work results, I knew I had to do something. That's when I decided to sign up for Jane's program. I had a friend who had experienced success, and honestly, I didn't know where else to turn. I remember feeling nervous, but figured I had nothing to lose.

I needn’t have been.  Jane's program not only helped me improve my blood work results but also transformed my entire approach to nutrition. I thought I was joining a program solely for meal plans and recipes, but it’s so much more.  The program is packed full of lifestyle and mindset coaching

While weight loss was a bonus, the ultimate success was when I retested my bloods and most results were in the normal range with some heading in the right direction.

I’ve graduated from the 12 week program and I feel extremely confident going forward on my own.  Jane came into my life at the right time and I am extremely grateful.“

- P, Houston

I have entered the menopause phase and I was struggling with weight gain, mood swings, and hot sweats to name a few symptoms. I did not feel like myself, and desperate for relief, I searched for a holistic solution. Don’t underestimate the power of the food you eat. Thanks to the program, my symptoms have dramatically improved

Jane encouraged me to step outside my comfort zone while always respecting my personal choices and path. Together, we found solutions that not only worked but were sustainable for my life and lifestyle. I have a new lease of life, thanks to Jane's program, guidance and support.

- Michelle, Aberdeen, Scotland

How It Works

You have two options: choose between personalized 1:1 coaching or the Renew You, the 12-week, small group coaching program.


You receive weekly educational packets, weekly check-in calls, meal plans, recipes, and continuous 24/7 text and email support.  Throughout your journey, you are assured of unwavering guidance.  You are equipped with the necessary knowledge and toolkit to graduate and achieve long-term success.

Health coaching client, one on one health coaching,
Healthy Food

Download Your Free Protein Guide Here!

Everything you need to know about high quality protein and adequate intake as a woman in midlife.


With more knowledge you can unlock the key to better health and a more balanced and vibrant life.   

Click here to download

benefits of health coaching lose weight, improve mindset, reduce inflammation, improve menopause symptoms
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